Why different?
You help more than you
100% of what you pay for NLP coaching sessions goes to a charity of your choice. You donate directly to them and simply send me confirmation before each session.
You pay what you can afford
Paying for a service adds value to what you are paying for. If you've invested money in you then you are more likely put the effort in to make the changes you will explore during coaching. In my experience from having coaching myself, sometimes the times you need it are when you may be struggling financially. Therefore my fees are honesty means tested by you. I charge between £25 and £65 per session depending what you feel you can afford.
You get coached by me
Why is this different I hear you ask. Not only are you getting my 20+ years of NLP coaching experience and training but also my unique lens of thinking with an autistic brain; and managing a chronic illness. All of this helps me to think differently and come at issues from different angles.
1 / Where do you do sessions?
All my coaching is carried out through online video work. Most clients find WhatsApp works best as it means sessions and any communication between us are in the same place.
2 / How do you make money if fees go to charity?
Great question. I have a day job (well varies shifts) working at a local hospital alongside my running fitness coaching and coach supervision work.
3 / Why offer the NLP coaching in this way?
Another great question. Coaching is something I am passionate about, and so is making a difference to the world and planet that we live on. I decided some time back that I wanted to offer my coaching to people but not in a way that feels like concentrating on profit rather than the personal change. I also regularly fundraise, and support entrepreneurs in developing countries through lendwithcare.org. I'm also a plogger which is basically litter-picking while running (who says I can't multi-task?!) sharing my hauls on insta @tryingtomake_a_difference
4 / How do I know if you are the right coach for me?
You really are good at this asking questions lark. Finding the right coach is important. There needs to be a connection and a lot of trust for coaching to work well. Before we start any proper sessions we can have a 30 minute, free, discovery call where we can meet and you can ask me any burning questions you may have about coaching and me. It's a chance for you to see if I feel right for you to work with you, and of course it's also important that I feel I'm right for you. If I don't feel I'm the right coach for you and your issue then I'll say so. As we've already established, I'm not in this to take your money and run.